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The Dog Trainer

Author Unknown.

……..behold, there came through the gates of the city a dog trainer from far off and it came to pass as the days went by, he trained his dog plenty. 


…….and in that city were laggards and complainers, they that spent their days in adding to their alibi sheets.  Mightily they were astonished at the performance of the stranger's dog. They said to one another, "What the hell, how doth he do it?  He must have an easy dog to train."


……and it came to pass that many were gathered and a soothsayer came amongst them..  And he was one wise guy.  And they questioned him thusly.  "How is it that this stranger has such a well trained dog?"  Whereupon the soothsayer made answer.


"He of whom you speak of is one hustler.  He arises very early and goeth forth full of pep to train his dog.  He complainth not.  Neither doth he despair.  While you lie in bed and say verily, this is a terrible day to train a dog, he is already abroad.  And when the eleventh hour cometh, he needth no alibis.


………"He taketh with him two angels, persistence and perspiration and worketh like hell. Verily I say unto you, go and do likewise."